Not sure how you signed up for Essential Issues? Not to worry, it’s still me. But, after two years of noodling around with Positive Politics, I’ve decided to change the name to Essential Issues.
My long-standing intention remains the same, which is to change the public conversation from being “us versus them” to co-creating a better future for ourselves and our children. That said, the word “politics” is just too vitriol laden to be an effective label for this effort.
As a side note, on quickly looking up the word “vitriol,” I was surprised it was actually much more popular in the 1800s. This is according to Google:
Anyway, I’ve decided to sidestep the word “politics.” That doesn’t mean I won’t write about politics—and I probably will, a lot. Rather, the new name is meant to signify an orientation toward honest inquiry, where we use our collective brainpower to evaluate the evidence in relation to our values and goals. This should then guide how we will act, vote, invest, and spend in the future regardless of party allegiance.
In summary, I hope this change will better reflect what I plan to write about. As is core to my being, I will still emphasize evidence and rationality in service of getting to the essence of important issues through participative and honest intellectual inquiry.
Sounds good. I like it!!!
Makes sense 🙏